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This 2-day course will delve into the ecology of the Southern Appalachians and how to design agricultural systems that mimic our abundant, resilient ecosystem. We will cover forest gardening, silvopasture, rotational grazing and no-till gardening, studying examples of each on the farm. Time will be split between hands-on skills and big picture design so that you will leave with the knowledge and experience to further your path to sustainability and self-sufficiency, whether in your backyard or on a large farm.


T O P I C S   C O V E R E D :

Local Tree + Plant ID | Keeping a Family Milk Cow | Rotational Grazing | Fruit + Nut Tree Propagation and Grafting | Making Hay With a Scythe | Harvesting Rainwater | Growing Mushrooms | On Farm Renewable Energy | Humanure Composting | Agroforestry- Forest Gardening + Silvopasture


Food is provided- fresh meals with ingredients grown and raised on farm.

Camping available with amenities (composting toilet, running water)

Cost: $100-$150 (pay what you can)


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